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How Planit-IE makes better business decisions by leveraging CMap to gain deeper insight into active and proposed projects.


At Planit-IE, a collection of landscape architects, urban designers, visualizers, engagement specialists, and graphic artists collaborate to deliver design solutions from strategic inception through long-term stewardship.

When the firm grew from two offices to five, time management and resourcing became major concerns that impacted cost estimation and resourcing projections. Financial Controller, Alex Wong, had a tool to help with these issues, but it wasn’t what he truly needed.

“We didn’t have the best insight when it came to time management,” said Alex. “For instance, if a manager didn’t approve a timesheet, it wouldn’t be tied to a job in our system. If we reviewed our monthly performance on that project, it could potentially look better than it actually was because all of the expenses were not reflected.”

Another frustrating thing, according to Alex, was that it cost Planit-IE extra to create custom reports. “Sure, the platform we were using gave us a few reports,” he said. “But if we wanted more than that, we would have to pay a developer to create a new report. That was unacceptable.”

These frustrations led Alex and Planit-IE to CMap.


CMap is a project management tool that helps firms that deliver projects in the built environment to win more work, deliver it more profitably and make better business decisions. The platform offers powerful time management and resourcing functions that enable easy access to all business data and capabilities through one unified system.

“The CMap team quickly identified our situation and showed us how to resolve the issues we were having,” said Alex. “Now I can build the detailed report I need. As long as we can get the data in, I can get it out and tailor it to my exact needs. If each team needs a customized report, I can design each of those reports once for routine usage—and they don’t cost me extra.”

Having moved from a bare-bones project management platform to CMap, Alex has more freedom to make the solution work for him. For example, it is helpful for Alex to keep track of the visa status of the team members he places on projects. Because CMap allows custom fields, he can easily track each person’s future availability for work.


  • Greater Business Insight - “Thanks to the fact that CMap incorporates both approved and unapproved timesheets, we’ve got the true picture of what position we are in with every project,” said Alex.
  • Time Savings - “Working with a platform that fits our business so well has saved us lots of time,” said Alex. “Now that everything is in place, it only takes a few clicks to get to the data I need to see. I’m not fumbling through spreadsheets and manually handling data as I did in the past.”
  • Compassionate Support - “The support we’ve received from the CMap team has been great,” said Alex. “Not only have they helped us build out dashboards and design reports, but they are also always offering solutions to help us get to where we want to be as a business.”
"Our system is future-proof with CMap. It will adapt as our business grows and changes. In fact, it already has!"

- Alex Wong, Financial Controller

All content in this case study has been approved by the client. The views and opinions expressed are the client's alone.
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